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Ecological Perspective Storyboard

Let's imagine the following scenario: a student is walking alone and is being followed by a stranger. Frightened, they find a spot to hide and uses the Pro-tech app and self-defense device.


Now, this student has the following options:

1) Click the emergency button on the Pro-tech self-defense device to alert other Pro-tech app users that a dangerous incident is occurring nearby.

2) Open the Pro-tech app and immediately send a pre-written emergency text to all of the users' emergency contacts. 

3) Use the Pro-tech app to find the nearest safe location.

4) Use the Pro-tech app to quickly find information so the user can contact the campus police department for help.


Interactive Perspective Storyboard

You are commuting alone at night after class and you notice someone following you. Now that you have Pro-Tech, you can escape the dangerous situation in 3 ways. First, you can activate Pro-Tech's pepper spray at the stranger that approaches you. Second, you can also activate the Pro-Tech's taser if they grab you.


Lastly, you can press the emergency button and send emergency messages.


The stranger attempts to attack you, so you decide to use a taser and the emergency button. As you successfully defend yourself, the campus police arrive soon to help you and your community is alerted for precaution.


Emotional Perspective Storyboard

How would you interact with Pro-Tech emotionally? You will find Pro-Tech's 3-in-1, detachable, and lightweight features efficient. You will also feel safe, empowered, and confident that you have an effective self-defense device with you at all times. Knowing that you can send emergency alerts through the app even when your phone is off, you will be relieved and hopeful anytime!

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