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Our Team


Ketki Joshi

4th Year Undergraduate

Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

  • Prototype Builder

  • Website

  • Competitor Study

  • Progress Report

  • Final Project Presentation

  • Test Card and Learning Card Collection

  • Business Model

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Sonia Redon

3rd Year Undergraduate

Cognitive Science

  • Interactive Perspective

  • Website

  • Competitor Study

  • Progress Report

  • Final Prototype

  • Final Project Presentation

  • Test Card and Learning Card Collection

  • Business Model

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Eunice Yoon

1st Year Undergraduate

Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

  • Video

  • Emotional Perspective

  • Competitor Study

  • Progress Report

  • Final Project Presentation

  • Poster

  • Business Model


Jisoo Jung

3rd Year Undergraduate

Mechanical Engineering

  • Ecological Perspective 

  • App Interface

  • Competitor Study

  • Progress Report

  • Final Project Presentation

  • Poster

  • Business Model


Sammantha Garcia

3rd Year Undergraduate

Data Science

  • Statistics/Research

  • Website

  • Competitor Study

  • Progress Report

  • Final Project Presentation

  • Poster

  • Business Model


Collaborative Plan

    In our collaborative plan, we outlined the goals, roles, procedures, and relationships of the team. 







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